Title | Authors | Year | Publication | Open Access |
Calibration techniques for quantitative NO measurement using Laser-Induced Fluorescence | Meulemans, Durocher, Versailles, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2024 | Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer | Download |
A Parametric Study on Nox Emissions From Ammonia Containing Product Gas in Rich Quench Lean Combustion | Raslan, Yang, Durocher, Gthe, Bergthorson | 2024 | Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power | Download |
Near-limit discrete flames of iron particle suspensions in sounding rocket microgravity experiments | Heng, Palecka, Goroshin, Bergthorson | 2024 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute | Open Access |
Techno-economic assessment of aluminum as a clean energy carrier to decarbonize remote industries | Boudreau, Johnson, Bergthorson | 2024 | Energy Advances | Open Access |
Investigation of differential diffusion in lean, premixed, hydrogen-enriched swirl flames | Francolini, Fan, Abbasi-Atibeh, Bourque, Vena, Bergthorson | 2024 | Applications in Energy and Combustion Science | Open Access |
Characterization of a 5-nozzle array using premix/micromix injection for hydrogen | Durocher, Fan, Fri, Bourque, Sirois, May, Bergthorson, Yun, Vena | 2024 | Applications in Energy and Combustion Science | Open Access |
Mechanisms leading to stabilization and incomplete combustion in lean CH4/H2 swirling wall-impinging flames | Fan, Savard, Fond, Durocher, Bergthorson, Carlyle, Vena | 2024 | Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power | Open Access |
Conceptual design of rocket engines using regolith-derived propellants | Hampl, Austen, Van Ende, Palecka, Goroshin, Shafirovich, Bergthorson | 2024 | Acta Astronautica | Download |
NO measurements in high temperature hydrogen flames: The crucial role of the hydrogen oxidation chemistry for accurate NO predictions | Meulemans, Durocher, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2024 | Combustion and Flame | Download |
Dual-range emission spectroscopy for temperature measurement of laminar aluminum dust flames | Yu, Mangalvedhe, Francoeur, Bergthorson | 2024 | Combustion and Flame | Download |
How well do we know thermal-NO? An investigation of NO formation in flames over a wide temperature range | Meulemans, Durocher, Versailles, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2023 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute | Download |
Numerical Investigation of NH3 Doped Fuels From Biomass Gasification on Fuel-Bound NOx Formation at Gas Turbine Conditions | Yang, Raslan, Durocher, Gthe, Bergthorson | 2023 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air | Download |
Nitric oxide concentration measurements in low-temperature, premixed hydrogen-air stagnation flames at elevated pressures | Durocher, Meulemans, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2023 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute | - |
Bayesian Calibration of Kinetic Parameters in the CH Chemistry Towards Accurate Prompt-NO Modelling | Durocher, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2023 | Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power | - |
Decarbonizing Canada?s energy supply and exports with solar PV and e-fuels | Bennett, Blanchet, Trowell, Bergthorson | 2023 | Renewable Energy | Open Access |
The ignition of fine iron particles in the Knudsen transition regime | Jean-Philyppe, Fujinawa, Bergthorson, Mi | 2023 | Applications in Energy and Combustion Science | Open Access |
Combustion behavior of single iron particles, Part II: A theoretical analysis based on a zero-dimensional model | Fujinawa, Thijs, Jean-Philyppe,ÿPanahi,ÿChang, Schiemann, Levendis, Bergthorson, Mi | 2023 | Applications in Energy and Combustion Science | Open Access |
Combustion behavior of single iron particles - Part I: An experimental study in a drop-tube furnace under high heating rates and high temperatures | Panahi, Chang, Schiemann, Fujinawa, Mi, Bergthorson, Levendis | 2022 | Applications in Energy and Combustion Science | Open Access |
Some fundamental aspects of laminar flames in nonvolatile solid fuel suspensions | Goroshin, Palecka, Bergthorson | 2022 | Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 91, 100994 | Open Access |
Hydrogen production via reaction of metals with supercritical water | Trowell, Blanchet, Goroshin, Frost, Bergthorson | 2022 | Sustainable Energy & Fuels | Download |
Hydrogen production rates of aluminum reacting with varying densities of supercritical water | Trowell, Goroshin, Frost, Bergthorson | 2022 | RSC advances 12 (20), 12335-12343 | Open Access |
A Quantitative Analysis of the Ignition Characteristics of Fine Iron Particles | Mi, Fujinawa, Bergthorson | 2022 | Combustion and Flame 240, 112011 | Open Access |
Back to basics-NO concentration measurements in atmospheric lean-to-rich, low-temperature, premixed hydrogen-air flames diluted with argon | Durocher, Meulemans, Versailles, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2021 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2), 2093-2100 | Download |
Flame stabilization mechanisms and shape transitions in a 3D printed, hydrogen enriched, methane/air low-swirl burner | An, Kheirkhah, Bergthorson, Yun, Hwang, Lee, Kim, Cho, Kim, Vena | 2021 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46 (27), 14764-14779 | - |
Attached and lifted flame stabilization in a linear array of swirl injectors | Jella, Kwong, Steinberg, Park, Lu, Bergthorson, Bourque | 2021 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (4), 6279-6287 | - |
Aluminum-propane-air hybrid flames in a Hele-Shaw cell | Palecka, Park, Goroshin, Bergthorson | 2021 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (3), 4461-4468 | - |
Analysis of Auto-Ignition Chemistry in Aeroderivative Premixers at Engine Conditions | Jella, Bourque, Gauthier, Versailles, Bergthorson, Park, Lu, Panigrahy, Curran | 2021 | Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 143 (11) | - |
Measurements of the laminar flame speed of premixed, hydrogen-air-argon stagnation flames | Durocher, Meulemans, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2021 | Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 100028 | Open Access |
Effect of High Pressures on the Formation of Nitric Oxide in Lean, Premixed Flames | Versailles, Durocher, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2021 | Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 143 (5), 051029 | Download |
Impact of Boundary Condition and Kinetic Parameter Uncertainties on NOxÿPredictions in Methane-Air Stagnation Flame Experiments | Durocher, Wang, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2021 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 84959, V03BT04A002 | Download |
Investigation of the hydrodynamic effect of nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges on a laminar stagnation flame | Lambert, Coulombe, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2021 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (4), 6567-6574 | - |
Aluminum and its role as a recyclable, sustainable carrier of renewable energy | Trowell, Goroshin, Frost, Bergthorson | 2020 | Applied Energy 275, 115112 | Download |
Percolating Reaction-Diffusion Waves (PERWAVES)?Sounding rocket combustion experiments | Palecka, Goroshin, Higgins, Shoshin, de Goey, Angilella, Oltmann, Stein, Schmitz, Verga, Vincent-Bonnieu, Sillekens, Bergthorson | 2020 | Acta Astronautica 177, 639-651 | - |
The use of supercritical water for the catalyst-free oxidation of coarse aluminum for hydrogen production | Trowell, Goroshin, Frost, Bergthorson | 2020 | Sustainable Energy & Fuels 4 (11), 5628-5635 | Download |
Large eddy simulation of an ignition sequence and the resulting steady combustion in a swirl-stabilized combustor using FGM-based tabulated chemistry | Fossi, DeChamplain, Akih-Kumgeh, Bergthorson | 2020 | International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow | - |
Quantifying the Effect of Kinetic Uncertainties on NO Predictions at Engine-Relevant Pressures in Premixed Methane-Air Flames | Durocher, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2020 | Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 142 (6), 061008 | Download |
Metal Power Flames | Soo, Julien, Palecka, Frost, Goroshin, Bergthorson | 2020 | A Gallery of Combustion and Fire, 36 | - |
Effect of Initial Reactant Temperature on Flame Speeds in Aluminum Dust Suspensions | Blais, Julien, Palecka, Goroshin, Bergthorson | 2020 | Combustion Science and Technology, 1-14 | Download |
Modeling the formation and growth of instabilities during spherical flame propagation | Bauwens, Bergthorson, Dorofeev | 2019 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (3), 3669-3676 | - |
Stabilized, flat iron flames on a hot counterflow burner | McRae, Julien, Salvo, Goroshin, Frost, Bergthorson | 2019 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (3), 3185-3191 | - |
Nitric oxide formation in lean, methane-air stagnation flames at supra-atmospheric pressures | Versailles, Durocher, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2019 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (1), 711-718 | Download |
A new kind of flame: Observation of the discrete flame propagation regime in iron particle suspensions in microgravity | Palecka, Sniatowsky, Goroshin, Higgins, Bergthorson | 2019 | Combustion and Flame 209, 180-186 | - |
Impact of Kinetic Uncertainties on Accurate Prediction of NO Concentrations in Premixed Alkane-Air Flames | Durocher, Versailles, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2019 | Combustion Science and Technology | Download |
Measurements of the reactivity of premixed, stagnation, methane-air flames at gas turbine relevant pressures | Versailles, Durocher, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2019 | Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 141 (1), 011027 | Download |
Differential diffusion effects in counter-flow premixed hydrogen-enriched methane and propane flames | Abbasi-Atibeh, Bergthorson | 2019 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (2), 2399-2406 | Download |
The effects of differential diffusion in counter-flow premixed flames with dilution and hydrogen enrichment | Abbasi-Atibeh, Bergthorson | 2019 | Combustion and Flame 209, 337-352 | Download |
Energy efficiency of a nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharge for methane reforming | Maqueo, Coulombe, Bergthorson | 2019 | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52 (27), 274002 | - |
Fuel Variation Effects in Propagation and Stabilization of Turbulent Counter-Flow Premixed Flames | Abbasi-Atibeh, Jella, Bergthorson | 2019 | Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 141 (3) | Download |
Quantifying the Effect of Kinetic Uncertainties on NO Predictions at Engine-Relevant Pressures in Premixed Methane-Air Flames | Durocher, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2019 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 58615, V04AT04A030 | Download |
Recyclable metal fuels for clean and compact zero-carbon power | Bergthorson | 2018 | Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 68, 169-196 | Download |
Combustion of particles, agglomerates, and suspensions-A basic thermophysical analysis | Soo, Mi, Goroshin, Higgins, Bergthorson | 2018 | Combustion and Flame 192, 384-400 | - |
Strategic spatial and temporal design of renewable diesel and biojet fuel supply chains: Case study of California, USA | Leila, Whalen, Bergthorson | 2018 | Energy 156, 181-195 | - |
Thermochemical Mechanism Optimization for Accurate Predictions of CH Concentrations in Premixed Flames of C1-C3 Alkane Fuels | Versailles, Watson, Durocher, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2018 | Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 140 (6) | Download |
Regimes of an atmospheric pressure nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharge for methane partial oxidation | Maqueo, Maier, Evans, Coulombe, Bergthorson | 2018 | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 (13), 134005 | - |
RANS and LES Modeling of a Linear-Array Swirl Burner Using a Flamelet-Progress Variable Approach | Jella, Bourque, Bergthorson, WY Kwong, A Steinberg | 2018 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 51050, V04AT04A065 | - |
Propagation and quenching of dual-front flames in binary-fuel mixtures | Palecka, Goroshin, Bergthorson | 2018 | Combustion Science and Technology 190 (9), 1557-1579 | - |
Uncertainty Quantification of NOxÿEmissions Induced Through the Prompt Route in Premixed Alkane Flames | Durocher, Versailles, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2018 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 51050, V04AT04A046 | Download |
Effect of oxidizer diffusion on flame propagation in reactive particulate clouds | Lam, Mi, Higgins, Palecka, Bergthorson, Goroshin | 2018 | - | - |
Fuel Variation Effects in Propagation and Stabilization of Turbulent Counter-Flow Premixed Flames | Abbasi-Atibeh, Jella, Bergthorson | 2018 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 51067, V04BT04A054 | Download |
Scalar Dissipation Rate (SDR) based Reactor for Finite-Rate LES | Jella, Bergthorson | 2018 | - | - |
Re-utilizing carbon dioxide in metal combustion processes | Schiemann, Bergthorson, Taroata, Schmid, Scherer | 2018 | 43rd International Technical Conference on Clean Energy | - |
Metal-water combustion for clean propulsion and power generation | Bergthorson, Yavor, Palecka, Georges, Soo, Vickery, Goroshin, Frost, Higgins | 2017 | Applied Energy 186, 13-27 | - |
Experimental investigation of spherical-flame acceleration in lean hydrogen-air mixtures | Bauwens, Bergthorson, Dorofeev | 2017 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (11), 7691-7697 | - |
Flame speed measurements in aluminum suspensions using a counterflow burner | Julien, Whiteley, Soo, Goroshin, Frost, Bergthorson | 2017 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2), 2291-2298 | - |
Emission and laser absorption spectroscopy of flat flames in aluminum suspensions | Soo, Goroshin, Glumac, K Kumashiro, J Vickery, Frost, ... | 2017 | Combustion and Flame 180, 230-238 | Download |
Enabling the metal fuel economy: green recycling of metal fuels | Julien, Bergthorson | 2017 | Sustainable Energy & Fuels 1 (3), 615-625 | - |
NO formation in rich premixed flames of C1-C4 alkanes and alcohols | Watson, Versailles, Bergthorson | 2017 | Proceedings of the combustion institute 36 (1), 627-635 | - |
On the interaction of the Darrieus-Landau instability with weak initial turbulence | Bauwens, Bergthorson, Dorofeev | 2017 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2), 2815-2822 | - |
Experimental and numerical study on NOx formation in CH4-air mixtures diluted with exhaust gas components | Lipardi, Versailles, Watson, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2017 | Combustion and Flame 179, 325-337 | - |
Thermal structure and burning velocity of flames in non-volatile fuel suspensions | Soo, Kumashiro, Goroshin, Frost, Bergthorson | 2017 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2), 2351-2358 | - |
The influence of spatial discreteness on the thermo-diffusive instability of flame propagation with infinite lewis number | Mi, Higgins, Goroshin, Bergthorson | 2017 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2), 2359-2366 | - |
Effect of particle coating on the thermal response of mixtures of micro-and nano-aluminum particles with water | Trowell, Wang, Wang, Yavor, Goroshin, Bergthorson, Frost, St-Charles, Dubois | 2017 | Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 127 (1), 1027-1036 | - |
Propagation of isobaric spherical flames in hybrid aluminum-methane fuel mixtures | J Vickery, Julien, Goroshin, Bergthorson, Frost | 2017 | Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 49, 472-480 | Download |
Actuation of a lean-premixed flame by diffuse non-equilibrium nanosecond-pulsed plasma at atmospheric pressure | Evans, Bergthorson, Coulombe | 2017 | Journal of Applied Physics 122 (17), 173305 | Download |
Combustion of Lithium Particles in N2?Reaction Rates | Schiemann, Fischer, Bergthorson, Schmid, Taroata | 2017 | Combustion Science and Technology 189 (1), 169-186 | Download |
Compact nanosecond magnetic pulse compression generator for high-pressure diffuse plasma generation | Evans, Baillard, Maqueo, Bergthorson, Coulombe | 2017 | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 45 (8), 2358-2365 | Download |
Large Eddy Simulations of a Pressurized, Partially-Premixed Swirling Flame With Finite-Rate Chemistry | Jella, Gauthier, Bourque, Bergthorson, G Bulat, J Rogerson, ... | 2017 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 50855, V04BT04A077 | - |
Experimental investigations on the combustion of lithium particles in CO2 and CO2-N2 mixtures | Schiemann, Fischer, Bergthorson, Schmid, Taroata | 2017 | Fuel 199, 28-37 | - |
Iron particles as carbon-neutral fuel in spray roasting reactors | Schiemann, Fischer, Bergthorson | 2017 | Digital proceedings of the 8th European Combustion Meeting, 487-492 | - |
The effect of Lewis number on instantaneous flamelet speed and position statistics in counter-flow flames with increasing turbulence | Salusbury, Abbasi-Atibeh, Bergthorson | 2017 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 50831, V003T03A009 | Download |
Flamelet modeling of premixed methane-hydrogen fuel combustion in a multiple-swirl flame configuration | Jella, Bergthorson, Kwong, Steinberg | 2017 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute - Canadian Section / Spring Technical Meeting | - |
Quantitative CH measurements in atmospheric-pressure, premixed flames of C1-C4 alkanes | Versailles, Watson, Lipardi, Bergthorson | 2016 | Combustion and Flame 165, 109-124 | Download |
NO formation in premixed flames of C1-C3 alkanes and alcohols | Watson, Versailles, Bergthorson | 2016 | Combustion and Flame 169, 242-260 | - |
A review on lithium combustion | Schiemann, Bergthorson, Fischer, Scherer, Taroata, Schmid | 2016 | Applied energy 162, 948-965 | Download |
Effect of external heat loss on the propagation and quenching of flames in small heat-recirculating tubes | Gauthier, Bergthorson | 2016 | Combustion and Flame 173, 27-38 | Download |
NOxÿEmissions Modeling and Uncertainty From Exhaust-Gas-Diluted Flames | Lipardi, Bergthorson, Bourque | 2016 | Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 138 (5), 051506 | - |
High-voltage, high-frequency pulse generator for nonequilibrium plasma generation and combustion enhancement | Evans, Bergthorson, Coulombe | 2016 | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 44 (10), 2429-2437 | Download |
Comments on:"Combustion of nano-sized aluminum particles in steam: Numerical modeling", by VB Storozhev and AN Yermakov | Bergthorson, Julien, Goroshin, Frost | 2016 | Combustion and Flame 171, 262-263 | - |
A numerical study on the reactivity of biogas/reformed-gas/air and methane/reformed-gas/air mixtures at gas turbine relevant conditions | P Diaz Gomez Maqueo, Versailles, Bourque, Bergthorson | 2016 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 49743, V003T03A005 | - |
CFD modeling of equivalence ratio effects on a pressurized turbulent premixed flame | Jella, Bergthorson, Gauthier, Bourque | 2016 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 49767, V04BT04A054 | - |
Plasma assisted combustion of lean premixed flames: High-speed imaging of streamer and flame dynamics | Evans, Bergthorson, Coulombe | 2016 | 2016 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), 1-1 | - |
A review of the combustion and emissions properties of advanced transportation biofuels and their impact on existing and future engines | Bergthorson, Thomson | 2015 | Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 42, 1393-1417 | - |
Direct combustion of recyclable metal fuels for zero-carbon heat and power | Bergthorson, Goroshin, Soo, Julien, Palecka, Frost, Jarvis | 2015 | Applied Energy 160, 368-382 | - |
Freely-propagating flames in aluminum dust clouds | Julien, J Vickery, Goroshin, Frost, Bergthorson | 2015 | Combustion and Flame 162 (11), 4241-4253 | Download |
Experimental study of spherical-flame acceleration mechanisms in large-scale propane-air flames | Bauwens, Bergthorson, Dorofeev | 2015 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2), 2059-2066 | - |
Comparative reactivity of industrial metal powders with water for hydrogen production | Yavor, Goroshin, Bergthorson, Frost | 2015 | international journal of hydrogen energy 40 (2), 1026-1036 | - |
Effect of scale on freely propagating flames in aluminum dust clouds | Julien, J Vickery, S Whiteley, A Wright, Goroshin, Bergthorson, ... | 2015 | Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 36, 230-236 | Download |
Flame structure and particle-combustion regimes in premixed methane-iron-air suspensions | Julien, Whiteley, Goroshin, Soo, Frost, Bergthorson | 2015 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2), 2431-2438 | - |
Reaction of a Particle Suspension in a Rapidly-Heated Oxidizing Gas | Soo, Goroshin, Bergthorson, Frost | 2015 | Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 40 (4), 604-612 | - |
Quenching distance of flames in hybrid methane-aluminum mixtures | Palecka, Julien, Goroshin, Bergthorson, Frost, Higgins | 2015 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2), 2463-2470 | - |
Maximum stretched flame speeds of laminar premixed counter-flow flames at variable Lewis number | Salusbury, Bergthorson | 2015 | Combustion and Flame 162 (9), 3324-3332 | Download |
NOxÿEmissions Modeling and Uncertainty for Exhaust-Gas-Diluted Flames | Lipardi, Bergthorson, Bourque | 2015 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 56697, V04BT04A061 | - |
Comparative analysis of chemical kinetic models using the alternate species elimination approach | Peters, Akih-Kumgeh, Bergthorson | 2015 | Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 137 (2) | - |
Development of a nanosecond pulsed HV atmospheric pressure plasma source: preliminary assessment of its electrical characteristics and degree of thermal nonequilibrium | Evans, Sainct, Aristizabal, Bergthorson, Coulombe | 2015 | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (25), 255203 | - |
Scale-adaptive and large eddy simulations of a turbulent spray flame in a scaled swirl-stabilized gas turbine combustor using strained flamelets | Fossi, deChamplain, Paquet, Kalla, Bergthorson | 2015 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 56680, V04AT04A040 | - |
Distribution of large biomass particles in a sand-biomass fluidized bed: Experiments and modeling | Fotovat, Chaouki, Bergthorson | 2014 | AIChE Journal 60 (3), 869-880 | - |
NO formation in model syngas and biogas blends | Watson, Munzar, Bergthorson | 2014 | Fuel 124, 113-124 | - |
Burning rates and temperatures of flames in excess-enthalpy burners: A numerical study of flame propagation in small heat-recirculating tubes | Gauthier, Watson, Bergthorson | 2014 | Combustion and flame 161 (9), 2348-2360 | - |
Combustion of aluminum suspensions in hydrocarbon flame products | Julien, Soo, Goroshin, Frost, Bergthorson, Glumac, Zhang | 2014 | Journal of Propulsion and Power 30 (4), 1047-1054 | - |
Increased flame reactivity of a lean premixed flame through the use of a custom-built high-voltage pulsed plasma source | Evans, Versailles, Sainct, Bergthorson, Coulombe | 2014 | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 42 (10), 2844-2845 | - |
Comparison of laminar flame speeds, extinction stretch rates and vapor pressures of Jet A-1/HRJ biojet fuel blends | Munzar, Zia, Versailles, Jim‚nez, Bergthorson, Akih-Kumgeh | 2014 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 45653, V03AT03A009 | - |
Large Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Swirling Jet-A1 Spray Flame Incorporating chemical non-equilibrium effects through the flamelet model | Fossi, deChamplain, Ghazlani, Paquet, Kalla, Bergthorson, Akih-Kumgeh | 2014 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 45691, V04BT04A059 | - |
Comparative analysis of chemical kinetic models using the alternate species elimination (ASE) approach | Peters, Akih-Kumgeh, Bergthorson | 2014 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 45684, V04AT04A052 | - |
Emerging Supply Chains of Alternative Military Jet Fuels in the United States | Leila, Whalen, Bergthorson | 2014 | World bioenergy | - |
Combustion of Aluminum Suspensions in Hydrocarbon Flame Products | Goroshin, Frost, Bergthorson, Glumac | 2014 | work 11, 12 | - |
Numerical Simulation of Lean Premixed Stagnation Flames | Lee, Mohamad, Jiang, Bergthorson, Salusbury | 2014 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 45684, V04AT04A042 | - |
Enhanced hydrogen generation from aluminum-water reactions | Yavor, Goroshin, Bergthorson, Frost, Stowe, Ringuette | 2013 | International journal of hydrogen energy 38 (35), 14992-15002 | - |
Stabilized flames in hybrid aluminum-methane-air mixtures | Soo, Julien, Goroshin, Bergthorson, Frost | 2013 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2), 2213-2220 | - |
An experimental and reduced modeling study of the laminar flame speed of jet fuel surrogate components | Munzar, Akih-Kumgeh, Denman, Zia, Bergthorson | 2013 | Fuel 113, 586-597 | - |
The effect of biomass particles on the gas distribution and dilute phase characteristics of sand-biomass mixtures fluidized in the bubbling regime | Fotovat, Chaouki, Bergthorson | 2013 | Chemical Engineering Science 102, 129-138 | - |
Skeletal Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms for Syngas, Methyl Butanoate,ÿn-Heptane, andÿn-Decane | Akih-Kumgeh, Bergthorson | 2013 | Energy & fuels 27 (4), 2316-2326 | - |
Diagnostics and Modeling of Stagnation Flames for the Validation of Thermochemical Combustion Models for NOxÿPredictions | Watson, Munzar, Bergthorson | 2013 | Energy & fuels 27 (11), 7031-7043 | - |
A four component skeletal model for the analysis of jet fuel surrogate combustion | Akih-Kumgeh, Bergthorson | 2013 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 55102, V01AT04A060 | - |
Flame speed and vapor pressure of biojet fuel blends | Munzar, Denman, Jim‚nez, Zia, Bergthorson | 2013 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 55102, V01AT04A044 | - |
NOx formation and flame velocity profiles of iso-and n-isomers of butane and butanol | Chung, Akih-Kumgeh, Watson, Bergthorson | 2013 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (1), 831-838 | - |
Energetic Characterization of Metal-Hybrid Fuels | Goroshin, Bergthorson, Frost, Higgins, Yavor | 2013 | - | - |
Quenching of Methane-Aluminum Hybrid Flames in Narrow Channels | Palecka, Goroshin, Bergthorson, Frost, Higgins | 2013 | Proc. of the Seventh International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards | - |
An Evaluation of Numerical Models for Temperature-Stabilized CH4/Air Flames in a Small Channel | Gauthier, Watson, Bergthorson | 2012 | Combustion science and technology 184 (6), 850-868 | - |
Optimized laminar axisymmetrical nozzle design using a numerically validated thwaites method | Versailles, Bergthorson | 2012 | Journal of fluids engineering 134 (10) | - |
The effect of chemical energy release on heat transfer from flames in small channels | Watson, Bergthorson | 2012 | Combustion and flame 159 (3), 1239-1252 | - |
Measurement and chemical kinetic model predictions of detonation cell size in methanol-oxygen mixtures | Eaton, Zhang, Bergthorson, Ng | 2012 | Shock Waves 22 (2), 173-178 | - |
An experimental and numerical study of the laminar flame speed of jet fuel surrogate blends | Denman, Munzar, Bergthorson | 2012 | Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 44687, 1417-1426 | - |
Experiments in Diluted Premixed Turbulent Stagnation Flames for Gas-Turbine Engine Applications | Salusbury, Bergthorson | 2012 | International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion 11 (2) | - |
Structure-reactivity trends of C1-C4 alkanoic acid methyl esters | Akih-Kumgeh, Bergthorson | 2011 | Combustion and flame 158 (6), 1037-1048 | - |
Ignition of C3 oxygenated hydrocarbons and chemical kinetic modeling of propanal oxidation | Akih-Kumgeh, Bergthorson | 2011 | Combustion and flame 158 (10), 1877-1889 | - |
Experiments and modelling of premixed laminar stagnation flame hydrodynamics | Bergthorson, Salusbury, Dimotakis | 2011 | Journal of fluid mechanics 681, 340-369 | - |
Experimental and modeling study of trends in the high-temperature ignition of methyl and ethyl esters | Akih-Kumgeh, Bergthorson | 2011 | Energy & Fuels 25 (10), 4345-4356 | - |
Characterization of the fluidization and mixing of binary mixtures containing biomass at low gas velocities | Fotovat, Shabanian, Chaouki, Bergthorson | 2011 | 10th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds and Fluidization Technology | - |
Biodiesel-An Integrated Approach for a Highly Efficient Biofuel | Bergthorson, Kunst, Levin, McVetty, Smith, Vessey | 2011 | Academic Press | - |
Comparative high temperature shock tube ignition of C1-C4 primary alcohols | Noorani, Akih-Kumgeh, Bergthorson | 2010 | Energy & fuels 24 (11), 5834-5843 | - |
Comparative Study of Methyl Butanoate andÿn-Heptane High Temperature Autoignition | Akih-Kumgeh, Bergthorson | 2010 | Energy & Fuels 24 (4), 2439-2448 | - |
Shock tube study of methyl formate ignition | Akih-Kumgeh, Bergthorson | 2010 | Energy & fuels 24 (1), 396-403 | - |
Premixed laminar C3H8-and C3H6-air stagnation flames: Experiments and simulations with detailed kinetic models | Benezech, Bergthorson, Dimotakis | 2009 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (1), 1301-1309 | - |
Molecular mixing and flowfield measurements in a recirculating shear flow. Part II: supersonic flow | Bonanos, Bergthorson, Dimotakis | 2009 | Flow, turbulence and combustion 83 (2), 251-268 | - |
Molecular mixing and flowfield measurements in a recirculating shear flow. Part I: subsonic flow | Bergthorson, Johnson, Bonanos, Slessor, WJ Su, Dimotakis | 2009 | Flow, turbulence and combustion 83 (2), 269-292 | - |
Characteristics of an Atmospheric Pressure Diffuse Nanosecond Pulsed Discharge for Methane Dissociation | Maqueo, Maier, Evans, Bergthorson, Coulombe | 2009 | Int. Plasma Chem. Soc., 10-13 | - |
Mixing measurements in a supersonic expansion-ramp combustor | Bonanos, Bergthorson, Dimotakis | 2008 | Flow, turbulence and combustion 80 (4), 489-506 | - |
Premixed laminar C1-C2 stagnation flames: experiments and simulations with detailed thermochemistry models | Bergthorson, Dimotakis | 2007 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (1), 1139-1147 | - |
Molecular Mixing and Flowfield Measurements in an Expansion-Ramp Combustor: Supersonic Flow | Bonanos, Bergthorson, Dimotakis | 2007 | 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 5417 | - |
Stagnation flame experiments for combustion model validation | Bergthorson, Dimotakis | 2007 | - | - |
Particle velocimetry in high-gradient/high-curvature flows | Bergthorson, Dimotakis | 2006 | Experiments in Fluids 41 (2), 255-263 | - |
Experimental investigation of planar strained methane-air and ethylene-air flames | Benezech, Bergthorson, Dimotakis | 2006 | California Institute of Technology | - |
Impinging laminar jets at moderate Reynolds numbers and separation distances | Bergthorson, Sone, Mattner, Dimotakis, Goodwin, Meiron | 2005 | Physical Review E 72 (6), 066307 | - |
Particle streak velocimetry and CH laser-induced fluorescence diagnostics in strained, premixed, methane-air flames | Bergthorson, Goodwin, Dimotakis | 2005 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (1), 1637-1644 | - |
Experiments and modeling of impinging jets and premixed hydrocarbon stagnation flames | Bergthorson | 2005 | California Institute of Technology | - |
Experiments and modeling of impinging laminar jets at moderate separation distances | Bergthorson, Sone, Mattner, Dimotakis, Goodwin, Meiron | 2005 | California Institute of Technology | - |