Our Team
Jeffrey Bergthorson
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Panda Faculty Scholar in Sustainable Engineering & Design and William Dawson Scholar
Associate Director, Trottier Institute for Sustainability in Engineering & Design (TISED) McGill University (University Profile)
Ph.D. in Aeronautics, California Institute of Technology, 2005
M.Sc. in Aeronautics, California Institute of Technology, 2000
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Manitoba, 1999
Samuel Goroshin Research Scientist, McGill University [ResearchGate] [Google Scholar] |
David Frost Professor, McGill University [ResearchGate] [Google Scholar] |
Gilles Bourque Adjunct Professor, McGill University [ResearchGate] [Google Scholar] |
Graduate Students
Antoine Durocher
Jan Palecka
Minchao Han
Tao Yu
Tao works on the development of optical diagnostics and their application to study combustion phenomena. Tao is currently focused on aluminum combustion.
Ali Al Abed
Ph.D. Student
M. Hosein Aliyoldashi
Ph.D. Student
Jocelyn Blanchet
Ph.D. Student
Pascal Boudreau
Ph.D Student
Pascal studies the techno-economics of the aluminum-fuel cycle and the reaction kinetics of metal-water reactions through electrochemical measurements.
Cloud Heng
Ph.D. student
Cloud investigates the behaviors of metal-fuel combustion on ground and in microgravity, as well as the applications of metal flames in clean energy technologies.
Joël Jean-Philyppe
Ph.D. student
Sandeep Jella
Ph.D. student
Marzie Karimi Dehkordi
Ph.D. student
Kartik Mangalvedhe
Ph.D. student
Marie Meulemans
Ph.D. student
Shirley Yang
Ph.D. student
Ashley Bock
Master's student
Slater Covenden
Master's student
Sebastian Hampl
Master's student
Julien Otis-Laperrière
Master's student
Andy Pan
Master's Student
Ahmed Raslan
Master's student
Undergraduate Students
Anthony Côté
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Yiwen Liu
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Yiwen studies the life cycle greenhouse gas emission and levelized cost of electricity for an iron fuel system grounded in Canada.
Mohammad Ghali
Honours Undergraduate Student
Former Students
Benjamin Akih-Kumgeh – Ph.D. student and Postdoctoral Scholar
Thesis title: Shock tube studies and chemical kinetic modeling of oxygenated hydrocarbon ignition
Graeme Watson – Ph.D. student and Postdoctoral Scholar
Thesis title: The influence of interfacial heat transfer on stable flame propagation in small channels
Sean Salusbury – Ph.D. student and Postdoctoral Scholar
Thesis title: Experiments in laminar and turbulent premixed counter-flow flames at variable Lewis number
Farzam Fotovat – Ph.D. student (co-supervised with J. Chaouki)
Thesis title: Characterization of hydrodynamics and solids mixing in fluidized beds involving biomass
Philippe Julien – Ph.D. student (co-supervised with D. Frost) and Postdoctoral scholar
Thesis title: On the study of flames in aluminum and iron suspensions
George Gauthier – Ph.D. student and Postdoctoral scholar
Thesis title: Combustion in heat-recirculating burners for efficient and clean power production
Philippe Versailles – Ph.D. student and Postdoctoral scholar
Thesis title: CH formation in premixed flames of C1–C4 alkanes: assessment of current chemical modelling capability against experiments
Mohamed Laila – Ph.D. student (co-supervised with J. Whalen)
Thesis title: Spatial and temporal optimization of advanced biofuel supply chains in the United States: an integrated platform
Michael Soo – Ph.D. student (co-supervised with D. Frost)
Ph.D. Thesis title: Thermal structure of flames in metal particle suspensions
Master’s Thesis title: Aluminum dust concentration effect on combustion in hydrocarbon bunsen flames
Pablo Diaz Gomez Maqueo – Ph.D. student (co-supervised with S. Coulombe)
Thesis title: Non-thermal plasma discharges for methane reforming
Ehsan Abbassi Atibeh – Ph.D. student
Thesis title: The effects of differential diffusion in counter-flow premixed flames with dilution and enrichment
Carl Regis Bauwens – Ph.D. student
Thesis title: Combustion in heat-recirculating burners for efficient and clean power production
Mathew Evans – Ph.D. student
Thesis title: Pulsed plasma generator development and low-temperature plasma-assisted combustion at atmospheric pressure
Keena Trowell – Ph.D student
Thesis title: High-temperature and supercritical water oxidation of metals for hydrogen and heat production
Julien Lambert – Ph.D student
Thesis title: Study of the hydrodynamic and thermal effects of nanosecond repetitive pulsed discharges in plasma-assisted combustion
Bryan Fishbein – M.Eng. student
Thesis title: Combustion of surrogate jet fuel components in premixed stagnation flames
Robin Brakmann – M.Eng. student
Thesis title:
Khalid Noorani – M.Eng. student
Thesis title: Comparative chemical kinetic and experimental study of methanol, ethanol, n-propanol and n-butanol auto-ignition delay times
Gregory Chung – M.Eng. student
Thesis title: Planar laser-induced fluorescence of nitric oxide in isomeric butanol and butane stagnation flames
Bradley Denman – M.Eng. student
Thesis title: Flame propagation of jet A-1 fuel and its surrogates
Jeffrey Munzar – M.Eng. student
Thesis title: Laminar flame speed of jet fuel surrogates and second generation biojet fuel blends
Mathew Evans – M.Eng. student (co-supervised with S. Coulombe)
Thesis title: Pulsed plasma generator development and low-temperature plasma-assisted combustion at atmospheric pressure
Sam Whiteley – M.Eng. student
Thesis title: Flame speeds and stretch effects in counterflow aluminum flames
Antonio Lipardi – M.Eng. student
Thesis title: Nitric Oxide formation and modelling uncertainty from exhaust-gas-diluted methane flames
James Vickery – M.Eng. student (co-supervised with D. Frost)
Thesis title: Spherically-expanding flames in hybrid aluminum-methane-oxidizer mixtures
Michelle McRae – M.Eng. student
Thesis title:
Santino Salvo – M.Eng. student
Thesis title: Effect of acoustic forcing on flame front thermo-diffusive and parametric istabilities
Frederic Blais – M.Eng. student
Thesis title: Effects of initial reactant temperature on flame speeds in aluminum dust suspensions
Martin Aralov – M.Eng. student; now working at Altiro Energy
Thesis title: Particle collection system for iron fuel burner
Samson Bowen-Bronet – M.Eng. student; now working at Altiro Energy
Thesis title: Development of a turbulent iron burner for use as a clean energy carrier
Benjamin Francolini – M.Eng. student
Thesis title: Study of differential diffusion effects in lean, premixed, hydrogen-enriched low-swirl flames
Parinaz Farhadi – M.Eng. student; now working at FeX Energy
Thesis title: An energy storage system based on iron fuel
Nicholas Pinkerton – M.Eng. student; now working at Altiro Energy
Thesis title: An assessment of the commercial feasibility of iron fuel for clean heat and power